Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bacon Wrapped Venison with Vegetable Hash

As I've started a blog named Venison and Vodka, I realize I should have started off with one of my go to venison recipes. Whenever I cook, I focus on an entire meal and not just one part of the recipe. Therefore any of my blog posts will be for the entire sha-bang and not just one component.

I realize not everyone is as big of carnivore as me, as well as don't agree with hunting. So I do want to set a few things straight: 1.) All of the venison I use, either I or a family member shot  2.) Most of the deer are older does that are no longer viable for reproducing as well as from herds of deer that overpopulate areas in mid-Texas.

I also need to reiterate how much of a meat and potatoes girl I am. That doesn't mean that I don't like to eat healthy when I can, but anything wrapped in bacon is a weakness of mine. Hope it is for you and your loved ones too.

Bacon Wrapped Venison with Hearty Vegetables 

Serving: 2-3
Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes Total

Venison Back Strap or Tenderloin- cut into individual servings
1 Package of Thin Sliced Bacon (I used maple accented)
1 Package of Brussel Sprouts
3 Russet Medium Potatoes
3 Eggs
Olive Oil
1 Cup of Brown Sugar
1 Cup Soy Sauce, preferable non low-sodium
Sea Salt and Grinded Peppercorn
Cajun Seasoning (Tony's is my GO-TO!)

1. Mix brown sugar and soy sauce in a bowl. Add the deer cutlets and let marinate for at least 3 hours but overnight is best.

2.When the meat is marinaded, preheat oven to 450 F

3.. Cut potatoes into small cube-like pieces and cut the brussel sprouts in half. Heat a frying pan to medium heat and add a splash of olive oil. Lightly toss the vegetables to brown just enough on all edges.

4. Add both vegetables to a 2-3 inch deep, circular baking pan with foil and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper plus a few hearty pinches of the cajun seasoning and a dash of paprika. Mix around a bit to make sure all pieces are coated somewhat and repeat. Add to oven for 45-50 minutes, flipping the vegetables around about half way through. The exact time depends on how crispy you want your veggies.

5. While the vegetables are in the oven, take the venison and bacon out of the fridge. Wrap bacon all the way around all of the pieces and if needed secure with a toothpick. Place the venison cutlets on a baking sheet with foil and a thin coating of olive oil. Add the remaining bit of the soy/brown sugar marinade on top with a brush. Grind 2-3 turns of each of the salt and pepper on top and a little extra brown sugar to coat the top part of the bacon.

6. Lower the oven to 350 F (if the potatoes and vegetables still haven't finished cooking). I try and keep them in the oven as long as possible by adding them to the lower oven shelf. Once the oven has cooled down a bit, add your venison.

7. How long to cook the venison depends on how rare or medium you like your meat. I'm more on the rare side, especially with deer, so I only cook mine for 15 minutes; 20-25 is the regular standard.

7a. You can either let the meat stand while you finish the rest of the meal or my personal favorite move is to heat the frying pan back up to low medium (about a 4 on a 1-10 scale) and lightly dust the cutlets with a bit more brown sugar and lightly sear each side to crisp the bacon and infuse the brown sugar more into the bacon.

8. Fry each egg sunny side up in the frying pan and add on top of the potato and brussel sprouts in the oven. If there's any bacon leftover, fry the rest and create crumbles.

9. Finally it's time to plate your meal. Presentation is everything, especially with dinner guests. Add a spoonful or two of the potatoes and brussel sprouts with an egg on top. Add salt and pepper to taste, along with the bacon crumbles if you were able to make those. Add a piece of venison and you're good to go!

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